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Minecraft SMP mod commands
Minecraft Commands for operators
Everything between < & > has to be used.Everything between [ & ] can be left out.
ban <playername> | Blocks playername from the Minecraft server. |
ban-ip <ip-address> | Blocks an ip-address from the server. |
banlist [ips] | Shows a list with all bans. Use banlist ips to show ip-addresses. |
deop <spelersnaam> | Removes the status 'op' from players. |
gamemode <spelersnaam> <0|1|2> | Changes the game mode for playername to Survival(0), Creative (1) or Adventure mode(2). Please note that this only works when playername is online and that it doesn't affect other players. |
give <playername> <data-value>[amount] [damage-value] | Gives playername an amount of items defined by data-value with a defined damage-value. |
help OR ? | Shows a list with available commands. Note that banlist, whitelist, toggledownfall, xp, tell, me, and kill aren't on the list. |
kick <playername> | Kicks playername off the server. |
list | Shows a list with all Minecraft players connected to the server. |
op <playername> | Makes playername a moderator of the server. |
pardon <playername> | De-blocks playername and removes playername from the blacklist. |
pardon-ip <ip-address> | De-blocks ip-address and removes ip-address from the blacklist. |
save-all | Saves the changes made to the server. |
save-off | Turns off saving. The changes made will be put in queue. |
save-on | Turns on saving. The server will now be able to save. |
say <message> | Sends message to all players on the Minecraft server. |
stop | Stops the server safely. |
time <set|add> <number> | Sets the worldtime or adds a number to it. Number is a value between 0 and 24000. It uses the 24-hour day where 0 = 6 o'clock, 6000 = afternoon, 18000 = midnight. Please note, you can reverse time by adding a negative number. |
toggledownfall | Toggles snow and rain. |
tp <playername> <targetplayer> | Teleports playername to targetplayer. |
tp <playername> <x> <y> <z> | Teleports playername to the defined coordinates. |
whitelist <add|remove> <playername> | Either puts playername on the whitelist or remove playername from the whitelist. |
whitelist <list> | Shows the list of players on the whitelist. |
whitelist <on|off> | Toggles the use of a whitelist. |
whitelist reload | Refreshes whitelist (used when white-list.txt has been changed.) |
xp <amount> <playername> | Gives playername an amount of orbs. |
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