Saturday, November 3, 2012

Console Minecraft commands
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Minecraft SMP mod commands

Minecraft Commands for operators

Everything between < & > has to be used.
Everything between [ & ] can be left out.

ban <playername>Blocks playername from the Minecraft server.
ban-ip <ip-address>Blocks an ip-address from the server.
banlist [ips]Shows a list with all bans. Use banlist ips to show ip-addresses.
deop <spelersnaam>Removes the status 'op' from players.
gamemode <spelersnaam> <0|1|2>Changes the game mode for playername to Survival(0), Creative (1) or Adventure mode(2). Please note that this only works when playername is online and that it doesn't affect other players.
give <playername> <data-value>[amount] [damage-value]Gives playername an amount of items defined by data-value with a defined damage-value.
help OR ?Shows a list with available commands. Note that banlist, whitelist, toggledownfall, xp, tell, me, and kill aren't on the list.
kick <playername>Kicks playername off the server.
listShows a list with all Minecraft players connected to the server.
op <playername>Makes playername a moderator of the server.
pardon <playername>De-blocks playername and removes playername from the blacklist.
pardon-ip <ip-address>De-blocks ip-address and removes ip-address from the blacklist.
save-allSaves the changes made to the server.
save-offTurns off saving. The changes made will be put in queue.
save-onTurns on saving. The server will now be able to save.
say <message>Sends message to all players on the Minecraft server.
stopStops the server safely.
time <set|add> <number>Sets the worldtime or adds a number to it. Number is a value between 0 and 24000. It uses the 24-hour day where 0 = 6 o'clock, 6000 = afternoon, 18000 = midnight. Please note, you can reverse time by adding a negative number.
toggledownfallToggles snow and rain.
tp <playername> <targetplayer>Teleports playername to targetplayer.
tp <playername> <x> <y> <z>Teleports playername to the defined coordinates.
whitelist <add|remove> <playername>Either puts playername on the whitelist or remove playername from the whitelist.
whitelist <list>Shows the list of players on the whitelist.
whitelist <on|off>Toggles the use of a whitelist.
whitelist reloadRefreshes whitelist (used when white-list.txt has been changed.)
xp <amount> <playername>Gives playername an amount of orbs.

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